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IMG_1943 2.heic


The building of the robotic limb was a new experience that took a while to adjust to and complete. This robotic limb is a similar less professional replica to actual robotic limbs as it is made of plastic and is not as easy to control and maneuver. When I began to build the robotic limb, everything seemed pretty complicated and I did not understand what I was doing. However, as I gradually completed more and more of it, I got the hang of what part accomplishes what action and how the different movements of the robot could be used in an actual robotic surgery. I would have to put the wires in their respective positions which was tricky to get used to but it all made sense once they were connected to each other. I was even able to attach a flashlight in between the pinchers that would be used to handle everything in order to replicate a scenario where a surgeon would have to operate in a darker area of a patient's body where light would be very limited. When I finished building the robot, I completed the build of the controller that would be used to maneuver the robotic limb. When I finished the building process it was easy to compare it to an actual robotic surgical device as it could rotate in different directions and use its pincers on different objects.


Robotic Limb Construction: Research

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